This website makes use of several open-source projects and resources. We extend our gratitude to the creators and contributors of these tools.
Built with Eleventy, a static site generator by Zach Leatherman, under the MIT License.
Official Site for Eleventy
Utilizes Bootstrap, a front-end framework by The Bootstrap Authors, under the MIT License.
Official Site for Bootstrap
Features icons from Bootstrap Icons by The Bootstrap Authors, also under the MIT License.
Official Site for Bootstrap Icons
Incorporates emojis from OpenMoji under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.
Official Site for OpenMoji
A huge shout-out to the amazing contributors! Your dedication and hard work fuel the open-source community, making technology accessible, adaptable, and innovative. Supporting open-source software fosters collaboration, drives innovation through shared knowledge, and offers transparency that empowers users to understand, modify, and improve their tools.
It embodies the spirit of community and mutual growth.